Expert nutricionist Dragana Olujić, MSc held a public lecture at Aspira University College in Split, 65 Domovinskog Rata, on January 9 2018.
The lecture titled “Modern Nutrition” was aimed at presenting contemporary trends in nutrition science and sharing the latest developments from this field of research. The speaker also shared her wealth of professional experience in nutrition as part of personal development.
With her simple, direct approach, the speaker certainly made good on her promise to explain modern nutrition in a spontaneous way. She emphasized that the lifestyle changes brought by the modern era were not mirrored by a revolution of eating habits. She insisted that food intake must be adapted to the body’s energy expenditure.
Among the many pieces of good advice she gave to the audience, a balanced consumption of carbohydrates perhaps stands out as the most overarching. In this regard it is important to pay attention to whole grain sources of carbs such as rye or millet.
Increasing numbers of people are interested in a health food lifestyle, and unsurprisingly many students and visitors had questions once the lecture was concluded.
Dragana Olujić is a prominent Croatian nutritionist. She is the director of Nutricionist food counseling and an expert subjects lecturer at the Medical School of Split. She also teaches at the Faculties of Sports Science and Natural Sciences with the University of Split. In addition to these engagements, she is the resident nutritionist with the Split Homeland War Veterans’ Sports Society and the National sailing team of Croatia.