Obrazovanje vrhunskih menadžera iz područja sporta i turizma. Studijski programi Međunarodnog menadžmenta u hotelijerstvu i turizmu, te Sportskog menadžmenta.
The study program prepares students for management functions in tourism, hospitality and hotel industry.
Graduate study in Hotel and Tourism Management
This study ensures the highest level of specialization in the complex hospitality and tourism sector.
Croatia is slowly but surely setting itself apart on the world market with its unique culinary offer. The first international study course in Gastronomy will teach you everything about opening and running a restaurant.
Computer Engineering
Degree Program created in Cooperation with IT Experts and Entrepreneurs
Sports management
A curriculum of College of Sports Management Aspira is aimed at education for performing management functions in sports associations and other business systems.
Graduate study in Sports Management
It is intended for the professionals who already work in sports, as well as those who want to achieve successful careers in sports and sports industry.