A lifelong learning department of University College Aspira organizes a training program for the Interior Designer.

SPLIT: Enrollment in progress!

Enrollment information:


ZAGREB: Enrollment in progress!

Enrollment information:


Interior design

The training program for the Interior Designer is created to free the creativity of students, and by transferring professional knowledge and skills, to teach them how to achieve their ideas more successfully in practice. The participants will gain insight into the practical and business aspects of interior design, so that after the completion of the program, they will be able to start an independent career. The Interior Designer program consists of practical lessons and workshops, led by eminent experts. We also cooperate with the renowned Stairwell & Loft Interior Design and Interior Design Studio.

Program tasks:

  • Concept: developing ideas, exploring, planning, and modelling.
  • Realization: technical drawing, sketching, computer drawing and creating portfolio
  • Presentation: preparation of business offers, reports and drafting of client’s profile
  • Project: specifications of colours, textures, materials and illumination according to client’s wishes within the given space and production of test samples
  • Professional Practice: portfolio presentation, resume creation, meeting with client, teamwork, realization of project in real space.

Designing interiors

Space is an idea! Each space has its purpose, contact with the environment, identity and aesthetics. The living space – an apartment or a house will be the first and fundamental task for students to understand the concept, approach and design of the interior. The interior designer, however, has numerous other employment opportunities as well. Architectural studios, construction companies, manufacturers and furniture retailers, those are just some of the options. Many interior designers work in the media, or as consultants for urban planning. Our participants often decide to open their own design companies.
Duration of the program is one academic year. Upon completion, the program is entered into the e-Book.

Uvjeti upisa:

Završena srednja škola

Dokumenti potrebni za upis:

  • svjedodžba o završenom stupnju obrazovanja
  • osobna iskaznica ili domovnica
  • rodni list (izvadak iz matične knjige rođenih)
  • mala fotografija
  • OIB

Program se izvodi u trajanju od jedne akademske godine. Nakon završetka, program se upisuje u e-radnu knjižicu.