Registration information:
Registration information:
Lifelong Learning Department of the Aspira University College, in cooperation with the Contemporary Education Center in Split, organizes a training program for the Food & Beverage Manager.
The aim of the program is to perfect the participants in the field of food and beverage management and to familiarize them with the forms of business organization in restaurants and hotel facilities. Participants will acquire knowledge about the importance of the role of good service organization in hospitality and tourist offer. The importance of food and beverage managers is that they are able to create a quality offer, top service and thus a high-quality reputation of the hotel or restaurant.
Competences acquired by the end of the program will allow students to be able to
- Contribute to the hospitality and tourist offer of the region with their knowledge
- Successfully manage food and beverage supply in hospitality
- Increase the economic performance of the facility
- Introduce new elements into a restaurant offer
- Create an offer of food and beverage
- Create a financial plan for food and beverage departments
- Develop a plan for the work of food and beverage department employees in and out of the tourist season
- Conduct supervision, checking and controlling of all activities within the food and beverage department
- Manage quality of service through various ways of collecting guest satisfaction information
- Choose the method of advertising and presentation of food and beverage departments
- Communicate in an appropriate manner and use the etiquette in relation to employees and guests
- Apply HACCP principles in the food and beverage department
- Know the elements of table set-upand decoration for various uses and occasions
- Get knowledge about contemporary culinary, pastry, sommelier and bar business
- Create a menu according to needs (permanent, seasonal, daily, vegetarian), following new trends in culinary, and using norms
- Create wine lists and bar lists using norms, following new trends and guests’ needs
- Apply work safety sules
Skills acquired by the end of the program
• Social and communication skills
• Organizational, managerial and business skills to manage the contents of a tourist offer
• Completion of the tourist offer; tracking trends
• Ensuring guest return
Knowledge acquired by the end of the program
• Factors affecting the overall organization, planning and performance
• Forms of business organization and business processes in hospitality facilities
• Competitiveness on the market
• Monitoring and encouraging top-level service
Course list
ORGANIZATION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITIES – Introduction to the concept of merchandise. Definition and classification of groceries. Food and food ingredients. Introduction to machines, tools and appliances in the kitchen. Main and secondary rooms of the kitchen block. Working with the kitchen staff. Planning work in the kitchen. Personal hygiene and hygiene habits. Work hygiene and nutrition hygiene.
BASICS OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY – Basic theoretical knowledge of tourism. Factors of Tourism development. Description of tourism as an activity. Tourism legislation. Defining the relationship between tourism and hospitality. Descriptions of restaurants and their development and current trends in the Republic of Croatia and the world.
FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT – Defining the theoretical characteristics of management. Analysis of all management segments: planning, organizing, staffing, managing and controlling. Describing food and beverage standards. Complete analysis of food and beverage services.
MARKETING IN TOURISM – Specifics of a particular marketing instrument. Applying marketing in practice. Marketing goals and principles in tourism. Measuring and forecasting tourist offer and demand. Testing customer intentions and tracking competition trends. Marketing mix in relation to the target market. Internet sales and marketing. Individual strategy and its creation. Symbols of personality, moods, expertise, image and brand creation of a company.
BUSINESS COMMUNICATION AND ETIQUETTE – Exposure to general psychology. Defining and analyzing business communication in tourism. The term etiquette and its basic rules and application techniques.
WORK SAFETY – Role and importance of work safety. Regulations governing occupational safety. Types of danger and their elimination.
PRACTICAL TEACHING – Analysis of the situation and determination of goals, assessment of resources and opportunities, assessment of future development, determination of possibilities, selection of the most acceptable choice. Planning of food preparation areas. Expenditure planning, periodic monitoring of plan efficiency, plan revisions. Creating a gastronomic offer. Standard of food and beverage service in a tourist facility. Standards of equipment, inventory and laundry. Daily meals. Catering and banqueting; cocktail party.
The lecturers are prominent experts in the field of management, tourism and hospitality.
Duration of the program: 1 semester
Documents required for enrollment are: a copy of the ID card or a nationality certificate, a birth certificate, a higher education diploma, a small photo and PIN.
* Up to 12 non-interest installments via Visa, Diners and American cards.
The program is verified by the Ministry of Science and Education and upon completion it is entered into the electronic employment record book.
We are sure that you will recognize the quality and potential of the program and become a Food & Beverage Manager.